In the event that practices have to be canceled due to reasons outside of our control we have tried to compile the main policies and procedures for these situations.
The CVSC Board would like to communicate our Air Quality Policy, what tools we use to evaluate it and how we determine when practices will proceed or be canceled.
CVSC’s Competitive Program Director and the Director of Coaching will make all final decisions related to air quality and the safety of playing soccer outdoors. We will try to inform all families one and a half (1.5) hours before the start of practices and games to allow families time to change schedules. However, please note that in some cases the cancellations decisions could be made in under the time specified above as air quality can change rapidly.
If the average AQI for Hayward or Castro Valley and adjacent field locations reaches 101 or higher then practices must be canceled for the safety and welfare of our players and coaches.
No teams may practice outdoors or participate in games when this threshold level is reached. CVSC currently uses the air quality monitoring website and will base decisions on the data provided. CVSC uses the US EPA 2.5 PM AQI data source together with 10 min averaged value and the US EPA correction applied.
Parents are encouraged to use their own best judgment when deciding what is best for the health of their players.
Air Quality Policy
Determination of game cancellations due to inclement weather will occur by one half hour prior to the scheduled start of the game. If the field is determined to be unplayable, all teams will be notified by their head coach or team manager through alerts via email or TeamSnap.
Broadly speaking, grass fields are typically closed during and the day after any material rain (to protect them). All teams will be notified by their head coach or team manager through alerts via email or TeamSnap.
Turf fields are typically open during rain and can be used if the coach deems it safe.
IMPORTANT: players, coaches, and all other participants should vacate their field if there is any sign or threat of lightning.
Field closures on game days will be determined by the league (NorCal), typically by 7:00 am, though it’s somewhat dependent on the timing of any inclement weather (e.g. storm that starts midday)
Check with your coach or team manager to determine if fields are open. If you are playing on a field that is not controlled by CVSC, the team manager or coach should call the opposing team coach or manager to coordinate (contact info should be listed on
Please note that turf field closures on game days will be at the discretion of CVSC or the referee (not the coaches).
Weather Policy
Heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and exertional heat stroke (EHS), can be serious and potentially life-threatening conditions which can be brought on or intensified by physical activity. Recognizing the signs and symptoms as early as possible allows for treatment and rapid recovery with hydration and cooling down the individual.
CVSC follows U.S. Soccer’s RECOGNIZE TO RECOVER program. More information regarding this program can be found HERE.