Our club is built upon the great work of our volunteers and we encourage anyone with previous soccer experience, or a passion for the game to consider coaching your child. If you would also like to volunteer to assist any of our competitive or recreational teams we also strongly encourage this as it makes everyone's experience even more enjoyable.

This year all volunteer coaches will be receiving formal training to ensure you are prepared for the season, and that the kids get the best experience possible. This training will include a USSF grassroots coaching course, and an on-field coaching education opportunity provided by our partners at 24-7 UK Soccer Academy.

We also need volunteers who can act as team managers whose main responsibilities include managing the team schedule and administrative duties.


Volunteers need to complete the following five requirements:

  • Background Check - needs to be done early July at the latest as the background check can take 2-3 weeks to be completed

  • Intro to Safety - should process in a few days

  • Safe Sport - should process in a few days

  • Live Scan - can take up to a week to process

  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Credit - achieved by completing one of the following: (1) USSF Grassroots online course, (2) Positive Coaching Alliance in person course, (3) On field in person coach education day - run by 24-7 UK Soccer Academy

Coach Requirement Instructions

Coaches that have not completed their requirements will not be permitted to choose their practice schedule at the coaches meeting and risk not being able to select slots that work with their schedule. Volunteer fees will be refunded towards the end of the season in early to mid October.