General  Information – See complete Castro Valley Soccer Club Rules & Regulations

  1. The Castro Valley Soccer Club (“CVSC”) and its Board of Directors (“Board”) is the governing body of all matters pertaining to the conduct of the CVSC program.

  2. Registration is open to all children, ages 2-3 through 18, based on Birth year. See program descriptions on the website.

  3. Prior to each season’s registration, the Board shall set the Registration fees.

  4. Players registering after June 30th shall be added to the wait list, charged an addtional late fee, and are not guaranteed a roster spot. Team assignment and collection of fees will be on the basis of available space, with priority placement for players with a parent/guardian that is a volunteer coach. 

  5. Refund of registration fees paid for the current year less $35 administrative fee shall be honored until June 30th. After June 30th, NO refunds will be issued. Competitive player’s fees are not refundable. All requests for refunds must be made in either writing to the CVSC office or sent via e-mail to the CVSC Registrar.

  6. Players between the league ages of 4 and 18 are allowed one Mutual Buddy, provided that both players are born in the same year, same gender, and list mutual buddy at time of online registration. We will try our best to accommodate all buddy requests, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate all buddy requests. Siblings who are to be teamed together cannot request additional buddy.  See rules and regulations for further details.

  7. Players of all ages may request not to have a coach by filling out the form on our website under documents and forms. Form must be mailed or emailed to the registrar before June 1. If you cannot find the form please email before June 1.

  8. All registered players are covered by CYSA’s or US Club’s medical insurance while practicing or playing with their team. At the time of registration, all players must complete an online CYSA Registration  Form 1601 or a US Club Release, (Alson known as the medical release form), electronically signed by a parent or guardian.